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Politics is big in these parts, and we’ve got it covered. John Arthur Hutchison and other staff writers will offer their inside information on the events, big news and little moments of the local political scene in Lake, Geauga and eastern Cuyahoga counties.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lake County commissioner race heats up with campaign video release

It looks like the race for Lake County commissioner has begun to heat up.

A video posted on the campaign website for Lake County commissioner candidate Kimberly Laurie is entitled “Farewell to the King” and takes a shot at her opponent Lake County Commissioner Daniel P. Troy.

The video initially depicts Troy wearing a red robe trimmed with white and black spots and wearing a golden crown. Viewers may wonder initially whether the video is supposed to be a parody.

Laurie said it is a serious campaign video that uses humor to get her message across.

A male voice begins the 2 minute, 4 second video saying “In a time when our community has been plagued by unemployment, oppressive taxes, and flooding — due to the decrees of their ruler King Daniel P. Troy — citizens decide enough is enough.”

Laurie said the video is the trailer for her campaign message and the theme is part of an upcoming literature piece that looks like a movie poster and will be distributed door-to-door.

Troy said he had seen the video. He called it “fear mongering” and an attempt to “denigrate” the community with the “indication that everything is horrible”.

He said there are untruths mentioned throughout the video and added that he has done many things in his career to help move the county forward.

“It’s the sign of a candidate who has nothing to say about themselves,” Troy said. “It's from someone who has lived here for three years and has no idea what Lake County is about.”

There is a lot packed into the 2 minute 4 seconds video, so view it to judge for yourself.

John Arthur Hutchison
Twitter: @newsheraldjah

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it shows how she will drop to such a low level to win!! or try to

September 25, 2014 at 8:02 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This video is TERRIBLE...shame on her!

September 27, 2014 at 8:28 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is sad. If she has to stoop to this level, I hope she does not win.

October 1, 2014 at 2:24 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The video tells us nothing specific as to Kim Laurie's plan, but bashes Troy. If you haven't seen Kim Laurie's candidate interview with Troy, watch it (she interrupts him at the beginning and Troy lets her say her piece, then later he try's to input something when she's speaking and she goes off on him). She can't even tell us what she wants to do! When asked what she would do once in office, her first response is "fix the mistakes that have been made". It shows she has nothing to offer but bashing Troy! Check out her facebook page and you can see the bashing that has been done of Troy (someone even made a comment about Troy needing a real job to pay for his drinking, which by the way Laurie "liked" in her comments section...what a disgusting thing to my knowledge he has not been drinking on the job or getting into trouble with DUI' who cares what a citizen spends their paycheck on). And she will probably continue to get away with it because if Troy were to bring out something negative about her, or to criticize her, she would be complaining saying Troy is bashing women or something to that effect. Such ugly politics from someone who promotes themselves as a God-loving, Christian woman!

October 5, 2014 at 10:34 AM 
Blogger jane44095 said...

Please be informed about this person,she is a Glenn Beck supporter and Tea party candidate.This ad is despicable and everyone knows Kasich is the one who increased taxes by forcing county's to have school levies,by using education funds to pay Down Ohio's debt. Withholding funds for schools so that the majority goes to his cronies Charter Schools.Ask her who is funding her campaign.She'll tell you like she told me ,call the BOA if you want to know.NO,I want you to tell me...Please be an informed voter.

October 5, 2014 at 2:17 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame , she did this to her fellow Republicans who would not agree with her extreme views. She brought people from out of town and threatened to sue the party if they did not endorse her. She will stop at nothing to try to win. This is very scary coming from the crowed who thinks its okay to carry loaded rifles into every business. There is a group here in Lake County Ohio who with fear tactics are trying to get elected this all ties into problems from the County down to Mentor on The Lake and its seems most in this group attend a local Church.

October 5, 2014 at 5:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is exactly the type of childish behavior we do not need from politicians.

October 6, 2014 at 10:09 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not believe I was watching something so childish until I went to her website. She has zero experience as a politician and tells use she will reduce taxes and have commissioner meetings at different times. Sorry Kim, but you cannot do either by yourself. Raising taxes was a necessary evil since the state took away local dollars as for the meetings, whenever there is an issue that needs debate, the meetings are held at times when we can attend. Let's here something new, not bash someone for being a king.

October 6, 2014 at 3:04 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Playing dirty is no way to win....don't we teach that to our children?

October 7, 2014 at 7:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want our local government to come to a tea party halt, then a vote for Kim Laurie should do it. She claims she is an independent vote but her close ties to the Koch Brothers and the former Lake County Tea Party give her true intentions away. Don't walk!

October 9, 2014 at 7:45 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does Kim Laurie do for a living to qualify her as a viable candidate? Work experience or professional background? Does she evan have a job? Being a Lake County commissioner isn't something to learn on the job.

October 10, 2014 at 12:23 AM 
Blogger Unknown said...

Only the News Herald would post a Pro Lake County Liberty Coalition Video. The News Herald is Pro Kim Laurie "LCLC PARTY" and as we seen in Mentor on The Lake they posted lies from another LCLC Party Member Preston Wolk about Mentor on The Lake. Why did you not list the video against Kim Laurie?

October 11, 2014 at 2:52 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought the video was good. I think she has a good chance and is not afraid to "bring it". Koodos to Kim! Good Luck!

October 12, 2014 at 8:36 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an independent I give careful consideration to all candidates. I don't vote party lines. If Kim had taken the time to actually tell us WHAT she's going to do and HOW she's going to accomplish her goals, and had given some more background on herself and WHY she's qualified to be County Commissioner, I would vote for her. She has a fancy website and a personal background page, but fails to actually give us her background experience. I think it's great that any regular person wants to run for office, it is our right. But Laurie said in her interview with Troy that she is a realtor and has "business background" but didn't share how long she has been in those fields and what positions/titles she held that are reflective of how she is qualified. She didn't even post a resume on her website (at least she hasn't as of today). She want votes but doesn't want anyone knowing anything about her...hmmm, VERY suspicious to me.

October 16, 2014 at 11:33 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes. Definitely don't want Kimlar in any position of authority or representation. Foolish, childish, and no substance. This equals a NO vote from me.

October 27, 2014 at 12:30 PM 

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