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Friday, July 1, 2011

Gov. Kasich signs two pro-gun initiatives

Governor John Kasich has signed both Senate Bill 17 and House Bill 54 into law.

SB 17 is important concealed carry reform legislation and HB 54 will provide individuals a pathway to restore their firearm rights.

Senate Bill 17, sponsored by state Senator Tim Schaffer (R-31), eliminates the current and some say, confusing, standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle.

Also, this bill also allows concealed permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided the individual is not consuming alcohol. Such establishments can opt out of allowing permit holders to carry their firearms.

House Bill 54, sponsored by state Representatives Ron Maag (R-35) and Jarrod Martin (R-70), would bring Ohio in compliance with federal law to provide for the restoration of firearm rights for certain individuals.

- Jeffrey L. Frischkorn


Blogger Asseverator said...

Governor Kasich has my vote from now on. When he signed House Bill 54, this told me the man understood what was going on in the urban trenches of Ohio. No normal man wants to kill his fellow man for pleasure or for sport. That's insane. Nor does he want to be the victim of a man that does.

Governor Kasich understands this indelible abysmal chasm evidently in justice, safety and security, for vulnerable Ohioans as potential victims of crime, and as such, the governor deserves support from the absolute center, and from all Ohioans for his pragmatic gubernatorial policies.

Wesley McCants

July 16, 2011 at 12:18 PM 

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